Prof. Jagannathan Sarangapani
Prof. Jagannathan Sarangapani
Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA
Dr. Jagannathan Sarangapani (or S. Jagannathan) received his doctoral degree from University of Texas at Arlington in 1994. He is presently at the Missouri University of Science and Technology (former University of Missouri-Rolla) where he is a Professor and Rutledge-Emerson Endowed Chair in the Dept of Electrical and Computer Engineering with a courtesy appointment in Dept of Computer Science. He is also served as Interim Director of Intelligent Systems Center, and the Site Director for the graduated NSF Industry/University Cooperative Research Center on Intelligent Maintenance Systems for over 13 years.  
His research interests include learning and adaptation, deep learning based adaptive and neural network control, networked control systems/cyber physical systems, sensor networks, prognostics, and autonomous systems/robotics. He has coauthored 189 peer reviewed journal articles, 289 refereed IEEE conference articles, several book chapters and six books. He holds 21 patents. He is a Fellow of IEEE, US National Academy of Inventors, IET (UK), Institute of Measurement and Control, UK and Asia Association of Artificial Intelligence.  He received NSF Career Award in 2000, Caterpillar Research Excellence Award in 2001, Boeing Pride Achievement Award in 2007, IEEE Control System Society’s Transition to Practice Award in 2018, and several Faculty Excellence and Teaching Excellence Awards at Missouri University of Science and Technology.